Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 8

Here I am rockin' the Tinsley tee [[09-10]] Shout out to all my Tinsley fam. Special shout outs to Ciara Copell, Melissa DiLeone, and Sam Santola! 

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the official one-week anniversary of me being in Peru. So much has happened already and I cannot wait to see what else this trip has in store for me! 

This morning, I walked to class with my friends, and then attended class from 8:30 am to 1:10 pm. Nothing too exciting there. I was assigned a brief paper for homework, and I have my first exam tomorrow.

After class, Estefania, Nichole and I made our way over to Buen Pastor. We volunteered there from about 2 pm to 5 pm. We began our day there playing volleyball with the kids...very fun!

Then, we went inside and we helped the girls with their homework assignments, chatted, and taught them some English. The picture above is of me and Bresly. Bresly is a very enthusiastic and intelligent young lady. She LOVES music, so we talked about music for quite awhile. 

The highlight of my day was probably when Bresly tried to sing Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." She had the correct tunes but her singing went something like this...

"Hey oohum-eht-oo ba-da-uhrm baby/ nanananana oh ahl me baby!"

I'm glad to see that the earworm of a song has infiltrated South America. 

Here is a list of Spanish musical artists that Bresly wrote out for me.

What to look forward to...
- Tomorrow there is a quinceinera (sweet "15") at Buen Pastor that we will be attending
- My left over Chifa that I got tonight for dinner
- I have an exam tomorrow morning
- After my exam we are learning how to make Pisco Sours. 
- If you don't know what a Pisco Sour is...I suggest looking it up
- Here, I'll make it easy for you: This is what a Pisco Sour is..

Hasta luego mis amores!

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