Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 14/15

So yesterday I was not feeling one hundred percent, which is why I didn't do a blog entry. 

In summary, I went to school, and went to Buen Pastor. I played 'nerviosa' ( a card game ) at Buen Pastor and then shelled some Java beans for a while. 

Then I went to bed afterwards because, as I said, I was not feeling well.

Moving forward...

Here I am flaunting my HOMEMADE chocolates. I'm rockin' the RAC PAC T-shirt.
[[Special shout outs to all of my RU basketball players and fans. I especially want to shout out everyone who stormed the court with me and/or has been to a game with me]]

Today, I walked to class - as per usual. 
For lunch I purchased a sandwich from the store inside of our school - avocado, tomatoes, lettuce and CHEESE - 3 soles. Great deal =)

Today was also the last day that our classes run until 1:10. I am very happy about this. From now on classes will only be until 12:40. Score!

After class, I sped walked home. On my way I purchased a bag of fried java beans for half a sole.

Then, I went to Buen Pastor, however there wasn't much to do there today because the girls had began to celebrate Peru's independence day weekend. They were all preoccupied. 

At 4 pm I went back to school to go to a chocolate making class - so delicious! First, we watched a short documentary on chocolate's origin, and then we got to the fun part; the actual making of chocolate.

Fun Fact: Chocolate originated in Tabasco, Mexico and was often drank as a liquid and accompanied with crushed spicy peppers. Centuries later, the Swiss created a recipe for milk chocolate.

To make our chocolates, we first painted the molds with a layer of melted chocolate. After, we put the molds in the freezer to let them harden. THEN, we filled the shells with dulce de leche and/or peanuts. Then, we put the molds back in the freezer and let them harden.

Then we ate them. 


Here I am at a restaurant called, Tabasco. 

What you see in front of me in the picture above is, "Palta Reyna" - translation, "Queen Avocado."

It was stuffed with chicken, chopped up french fries, onions, peas, and celery. All ingredients were lightly tossed in mayonaise. In essence, I had an avocado stuffed with chicken salad. Pretty tasty dinner.

After dinner, I went to the local grocery store, Mega. I got some crackers to snack on during the week.

Tomorrow, I have an exam, so I must go study.

After I take my exam, I will officially have completed 3 credits! Woo!

Also! This weekend is Peru's Independence Weekend. In honor of this the school is hosting a mini festival after our exam tomorrow. I will be participating in the event's talent show. 

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Independence Weekend!

Hasta luego mis amores!

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